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At Elmstead Wood, it is our aim that each child should develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude to Science. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. Therefore, all pupils are taught essential of Science including scientific knowledge, methods and processes. Children are taught to work scientifically as they become more confident to use scientific approaches and methods.

We strongly believe the best way to learn about Science is through hands-on investigation, so children can develop their understanding of scientific methods and processes. Children are encourage children to take an active lead in their learning, posing and finding ways of answering their own questions. Children will be given opportunities to develop their scientific understanding of the world and their skills of investigation, including, observing, measuring, predicting, hypothesising, experimenting, fair testing, communicating and interpreting.

Working scientifically encompasses all science teaching across the school and represents the fundamental skills that a child needs to develop in their science learning:

  • Asking questions
  • Planning and setting up different types of enquiries
  • Performing tests
  • Using equipment
  • Observing and measuring
  • Identifying and classifying
  • Gathering and recording data
  • reporting, presenting and communicating data/ findings.

Every year we take part in British Science Week organised by the British Science Association in March. During this week we focus on Science and Technology and each class takes part in a whole school challenge and there is an after-school family challenge. 

For more information please visit the Knowledge Organiser page for each year group: