New Building Grand Opening!
Elmstead Wood Primary School is very proud to have officially opened the school building on Friday 13th July 2018.
Our new building provides a much improved learning environment for all our children and the modern facilities improve not only the school’s physical environment but also our learning culture.
Mrs Haig, Headteacher, welcomed everyone to the Grand Opening:
Good afternoon distinguished guests, visitors, staff, parents, carers and children, thank you for coming here today to share with us this joyous moment of the official opening of Elmstead Wood’s new school building.
The new building provides a much improved learning environment for the children of Elmstead Wood and I know how excited the teachers and children were when they moved into it. People involved in education are increasingly aware of the link between high quality learning environments and learning. Modern facilities improve not only the school’s physical environment but also its learning culture. But the building alone cannot add the vision and passion that guide the school’s development. It is the interaction between our hard working, committed staff and children which will make the difference and ensure the new building supports higher levels of learning.
I have some thank you's to make:
Firstly, to Rob Bollen, who has worked with us from Bromley council to ensure that we have everything we need to make Elmstead Wood into the amazing facility that it now is.
Next, to Neilcott, the builders and particularly to Alan Coulter, the foreman (who sadly can’t be with us today) for ensuring that everything was kept to schedule and for allowing us to constantly change our minds about how we wanted things doing!
To Geoff Bullock, from DWD who have provided us with the IWB in The Lodge.
To Larry Garrard and the rest of our premises team who have worked over and above during the building project to ensure the smooth running of our school.
And finally, I need to say a big thank you to the one person from the Elmstead Wood staff who has seen this project through from start to finish, never wavering in her commitment to making sure that our new building is the very best because that’s what our children deserve. Mrs Gardner.
And now, for the cutting of the ribbon I’m going to ask Maddie (Y6) and Vinnie (YR) to come and cut the ribbon.